Cloud Solution Banner image

Cloud solutions

Accelerate business agility and growth with a hybrid cloud approach

Cloud Solution Banner image

Cloud solutions

Accelerate business agility and growth with a hybrid cloud approach

Containerization of Apps

ECS, AWS Fargate, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker, Podman

Adoption, Cloud Architecture development, management and monitoring, Infrastructure automation using Terraform. Load Balancing, Auto scaling, High Availability

Ecs Logo image
Docker Logo image
Kubernetes Logo image
Ec2 Logo image

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AWS Services

SES image

SES as application service for triggering emails.

cognito image

AWS Cognito for authentication and Single Sign On.

CloudWatch image

CloudWatch for Administration process.

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S3 for storing and retrieving objects from the AWS cloud.

Lamba image

Serverless computing using Lambda and hosting API’s in cloud.

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Networking using VPC / Subnets, Route53

Transform your business qith cloud solution image

Transform your business with client-centered intelligent cloud solutions

A resilient industry cloud delivers intelligence, visibility and smart technology. Learn how companies have implemented cloud solutions in their organizations.

Transform your business qith cloud solution image

Transform your business with client-centered intelligent cloud solutions

A resilient industry cloud delivers intelligence, visibility and smart technology. Learn how companies have implemented cloud solutions in their organizations.

How can we help you?